Cine Meter icon
Cine Meter for iPhone: controls copyright © 2013–2024 Adam J. Wilt  
A light meter with a waveform monitor and a false-color picture
This page describes Cine Meter versions 1.9 and 1.10. Earlier versions are similar but do not have all the functions shown here.

Cine Meter uses toolbar buttons to change what the displays show, and taps on the displays to change how it's shown. Cine Meter also has a Settings and Info page for less frequently needed tweaks, as well as built-in help.

Buttons: Use the toolbar buttons to change the displays:

Cine Meter's screen, with white balance locked

Tap different parts of the screen to bring up display controls:

Cine Meter's onscreen tap areas

  • Tap and Drag the Camera Picture to set the spot metering point. (Tap and drag only works when in spot metering mode).
  • Tap the False-Color Camera Picture to show the sliders for the false-color levels. Tap the picture again to hide the controls, or wait three seconds. (This tap only works in False-color mode.)
False color sliders

You can move the sliders while watching the image; the frame rate will drop while you adjust the levels, but you’ll still be able to see what you're doing.

To disable red or yellow, slide its slider all the way to the right (“above 100%”). To disable blue, purple, or green, slide its slider all the way to the left (“below 0%”).

The color logic is set up for an orderly progression of levels as shown above. If you get creative, you'll discover that purple has priority over blue and blue over green; all three have priority over the highlight colors, but red has priority over yellow.

  • TAP and HOLD the Camera Picture for one second to capture a screenshot to your Camera Roll. The background will flash white and you'll hear the camera sound (all the images on this page come from screenshots; note the timestamps in the top line).
  • Tap the waveform monitor to show Intensity and Overlay sliders. These control the brightness of the waveform trace and the scale overlay. Tap the waveform monitor again to hide the controls.
waveform monitor controls
  • Tap the Light Meter readouts to show ISO Rating and Shutter Speed sliders. Tap the SHUTTER value to set the shutter speed or frame rate; tap ISO to set ISO.
ISO and shutter speed sliders

As you adjust ISO and shutter, the aperture will change accordingly. Use the sliders for coarse adjustments; use the -|+ stepper for fine-tuning. When you have the values you want, tap the light meter display again to dismiss the controls, or wait three seconds for them to disappear by themselves.

(This version of Cine Meter uses a shutter-priority meter: you set ISO and shutter, and aperture changes accordingly. This is usually what cinematographers want.)

Settings and Info lets you adjust settings and see program info and help:

ChromaDuMonde® charts seen in Cine Meter screenshots used with kind permission of DSC Labs. DSC Labs is not responsible for any images viewed with Cine Meter, or how they appear in Cine Meter's pictures.

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© 2013–2018 Adam J. Wilt.  Last updated 2024-12-14