filmstyle PD150 |
updated 2003.07.23 - corrected CineTech information
13 December 2002: San Francisco filmmaker Dave Chalker and I visit Hollywood Studio Rentals, where Dave uses my PD150 as a guinea pig for a variety of accessories. The camera is fitted with a CineTech camera plate and follow-focus mechanism. A CineTech blue anodized split gear is clamped to the focus ring allowing use of the follow-focus. The Century Optics 16x9 adapter is mounted on the lens, and in the first four stills a wide-angle adaptor is mounted on it! I am happy to report that the rig did not collapse under its own weight. The fifth image shows the CineTech matte box fitted to the support rods; the 16x9 adapter is attached but the wide-angle is removed. The final still shows the follow-focus ring in more detail.
(stills pulled from AG-DVX100 24p footage)
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